I love music. Music is a big part of my life. It shows up every day. I cannot remember a time in my life where there wasn't music. My siblings listened to music and I am pretty good at identifying 70's & 80's bands because of it. My parents always had music playing in the car. I know the Kingston Trio, Elvis, Cash, and Diamond.
My maternal grandparents played the guitar and piano. My grandfather sticks the tip of his tongue out the side of his mouth when he plays. It is adorable. I play the clarinet. Most of my family have beautiful singing voices. The Daughter plays the clarinet and is learning the guitar. The boys want to learn to play instruments. My Dark Knight plays bass and guitar. Music is clearly hereditary. Music is in my genes.
I enjoy almost all genre of music, except the steel guitar makes me cranky. Each type of music helps me through different moods or issues I may be having. When I am sad, I love listening to traditional hymns and love songs. These songs assist me to cry my eyes out while bringing a smile to my face. When I am frustrated, I need something loud and guitar heavy.
Music holds my memories. I cannot listen to a song or piece of music without remembering something from my past. Journey brings back a time when my high school best friend was learning to drive a manual transmission. Metallica was playing when I was a passenger in a car accident. Metallica is not allowed in the car because of the accident. Tom Petty is about old Ford pick-up trucks. I am reminded of a friend's laugh while driving to Vegas when I listen to Janis Joplin. Chris Ledoux reminds me of an ex-boyfriend. Nine-Inch-Nails is all about driving in the mountains finding a good camping spot. DC Talk brings back memories of driving around in a friend's pick-up.
Music makes me move. I love to dance. I dance while cleaning, with music blasting, singing my heart out. T has never been able to sit still when music is playing. He has had great rhythm since he could hold his head up. X-Man sings and grooves when he thinks no one is watching. MDK does this head thing I like to call the pigeon. It is fantastic! The Daughter has been moving and grooving since she was tiny. Even as I write this post, I am listening to music and have to move my foot to the beat.
I went on a date with a guy in college who stated he doesn't listen to music. "I'm sorry, what?" He stated he didn't really enjoy music. "This is clearly not going to work out. Have a good night." It was that simple, no music, no dating me. I also wouldn't date guys with terrible last names or if they have ever had a cold sore.
Hopefully you have something in your life as captivating as music is to me. I would never had made it through this year without music.
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