Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Being the youngest is the bestest.

I am the youngest in my family.  Therefore, I am the favorite.  It is a given, no explanations needed.  My parents were seasoned parents when I came along.  Most of my siblings were grown and out of the house by the time I was born.  Some of them even forget me, the last child, because they are so much older.  Yes, siblings, there are THREE girls in the family, quit forgetting about me.  You know those memes stating they have the  best sister?  Well, I have two brothers who have posted that meme and stated they have TWO great sisters.  Two?  Who are you forgetting?  Most likely it is me.  Even though I am forgotten and had the least involved parents, I still believe being the youngest is the best.

1.  Hand-me-downs.  I know they are outdated and stained by the time you get them, but they are free clothes and you learn how to update your fashions with whatever you have got in the closet.  You also don't feel bad if you dye the clothes or rip them up because they were free and you don't have to keep them in good shape because no one else is going to wear them.

2.  Money.  Once all those older siblings leave the home, the bank account increases.  You want that new bike, no problem.  Going out to lunch with friends, here's $20.  New to you car, what color do you want?

3.  Parents are tired.  Always able to do whatever you wanted because the parents were too tired to care.  My parents were never around, so I got to do whatever I wanted anyway, but you get the point.

4.  Responsibilities are non-existent.  Never having to take responsibility for anything.  She's the baby, the sweet baby. She could do no wrong.

5.  The Star.  Getting attention, and keeping attention is easy.  Rarely having to compromise, mostly getting your way.  "It is all about me!"  This also comes in handy when wanting to sell anything, idea, merchandise, job interviews.  Very good skill.

6.  Glass half full.  The baby is rarely negative due to life experiences.  It is really easy to be positive when your siblings have gotten into trouble for everything and you have not.

Here are a few "issues" I may have due to being the youngest.

1.  I am incredibly irresponsible.  I have learned to be much more responsible from MDK (the oldest in his family).  I didn't become an unwed mother at a young age by making responsible choices.

2.  I am a sore loser.  I pout and stomp and huff and puff.  I despise losing.

3.  I have a hard time taking things seriously.  I try to make bad stuff into funny situations.  I think this is good sometimes, though.

4. (This one isn't necessarily an issue but it was something I had to overcome because I am the youngest.)  The high school teachers already knew who I was before I stepped foot into their classrooms.  "Oh, you are so & so's baby sister."  I was proud to say I was the little sister.  That is when the teacher would point out what a pain they were.  Suddenly I have to be 10 times better because  of the example before me.  Thanks siblings!

I think being the youngest is awesome and I feel bad for all you middle and oldest children.  Childhood had to have been rough.

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