Sunday, October 16, 2016

Life got away with me.

Sorry for my absence. I have been busy with life.

I have been busy trying to juggle everything going on in my life and have been slacking in many of the fun areas. The Daughter was diagnosed with cancer, major surgery, and most recent scans came back clear. My Baby has been very involved with lacrosse and loving it. He is beyond adorable. The X-Man is trucking along in life like normal. He just earned his red belt in taekwondo two days ago! The red belt has been his goal because red is his favorite color. Hopefully, he will want to move towards working on his black belt. He loves his red belt. My Man is still beautiful. He is the most supportive man. If you see him, buy him a drink, he needs a few.

I am so busy with work, school, internship, and family. Being a mom is hard when going through grad school. I missed when X-Man earned his red belt. I have missed lacrosse games. I have missed games and activities with all the classes and homework I have. I will be done in March (5 months), as long as I pass all my classes along the way. I have had to have special acceptions the last few month with school. I felt a bit like a failure, and I continue to feel guilty, but it is what I need at this time to be successful. The perfectionist in me needs to chill.

I completed a clinical groups class. It has been my favorite class so far. I became close with those in my class. Most of them graduated this week. I was sad that I wasn't going to be done this week. After a few minutes, I was sad because these people who I enjoy would not be in the rest of my classes. Who am I going to make inappropriate comments with? Everyone else will just think I am rude. They won't understand because they weren't in my group class with me. Yes, I know it sounds weird.

I took a trauma (somatic experience) class. One of the exercises was laying on a dog. I do not have one of those. I borrowed a friend's dog. You need good friends who do not question your text asking to lay on their dog. The dog is a large yellow lab. He is a sweet dog. He participated in my exercises of laying on him. He started to enjoy these visits far more than I was comfortable with. This event has been the laughter for the last few weeks. I think I may have needed this mishap to bring some fun to studying trauma.

I have about four papers to write this week, then on to my next set of classes; I will try to check in more often.