Monday, July 20, 2015

It all started with one little mouse.

I love Mickey Mouse.  He is a mouse who wears clothing and keeps a tidy house.  He is able to hold a relationship with Minnie Mouse.  He takes care of his dog.  He is an ideal mouse to have around.

Lies!  Mickey Mouse is a big LIE!  Mice do not follow in Mickey's example.  They destroy everything they come in contact with.  They chew everything and proceed to poop on everything too.
We noticed evidence of a mouse in our garage a while ago.  We killed the mouse within two days of noticing its presence.  No evidence of said mouse in the house.  We searched and searched and not a single mice turd.  We cleaned out the garage and discovered the mouse most likely arrived with my parents' boxes. So, not only does my dad die, mom have a massive stroke, mom dies, whole world flipped upside-down, but we brought a mouse to our home.

There are some positives to all this.  We disinfected every single item in our garage.  Even if it was way up on a shelf, it was disinfected.  Our garage is almost presentable.  (We still have a small portion to finish.)  We organized our garage.  This is a big deal for me.  I love order.  We listened to music while cleaning.  My Man did a nice little Footloose dance for me.  It was awesome!

We have a little souvenir pencil.  The pencil has been chewed to the lead all around.  It looks as if the mouse chewed it like a corn cob.  It is quite impressive.

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