When X-Man was nine months, I became pregnant with the youngest in my family, T. (I was going to call him the Baby but he is the farthest from that description.) When I found out I was pregnant again, I cried and cried and banished My Dark Knight to the couch forever, or until he had a vasectomy. I already had a baby who cried and never slept. I did not, could not, go through this times two.
The Daughter was present when I delivered T and she has forever stated she will adopt, this experience just wrote it in stone. I have the best OB/GYN and he had her front and center in the middle of all the action. She was mortified! It was great!
T slept through the night very early on. He was independent and happy. He rarely cried. He was very advanced in developmental skills. It was so different from the child previous. Thank God!
T helped X-Man learn new skills and we saw improvement with him since having T. He was X-Man's first friend.
T was very different from any of the other children. He had rhythm before he could crawl. This boy loves music! He is feisty. And by feisty, I mean a tornado ripping through our home, taking control of everything and everyone in his path. He knows what he wants and he will let you know.
I took X-Man and T to the zoo when T was a year and a half. I had bought X-Man a grilled cheese sandwich and some fries for T. X-Man was crying because the grilled cheese was cut in half and he wanted it uncut. T was eyeing a goose who was coming close. The goose stole a fry. T grabbed the goose by the throat screaming, "that's my fry" at the goose. The goose flapped his wings trying to get away but T held on. We were quite the sight at the zoo. One child crying because he didn't want his grilled cheese cut and one wrestling a goose.
T is very confident he is the best at everything. He loves a challenge. He will try anything, especially if it is dangerous. I can barely believe he has not broken a bone or needed stitches. He is a talker. He will let everyone around him know what is on his mind. He makes friends with everyone he encounters. And he drives me crazy!
T is probably the child with the personality closest to mine. The Daughter is a close second but she is more reserved. T is sassy. T talks back. T speaks his mind. T is a lot of personality. He makes me madder than a hatter. I believe there is only room for one of us in this house. One minute he makes me want to move out and the very next minute he is exactly what I needed. He can be cuddling with you one minute and turn to fart on you the next. I love this kid!
T has made my life such an adventure. Some adventures are not ones I wanted to go on but I am better because of him. He has helped with X-Man more than anyone in the house could have done. And, boy, T is cute! He was an ugly baby but has turned into a beautiful boy. T has helped me to remember to love everyone, even if they do make me crazy.
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