Monday, May 4, 2015

You know what happens when you assume.

I am pretty sure this blog post will not make many people happy with me.  I don't care. :)  I get to the personal part at the end.

Let's talk about people with low-incomes receiving governmental services/assistance.
Public assistance:
1. Housing
2. Medicaid
3. Food Stamps
4. SSI
5. Welfare Cash

Assumption # 1: These people spend their money frivolously.
Fact:  These families spend less than half than families who do not receive these services.  AND, they put approximately 77% of their income towards basic necessities (food, housing, transportation).  Plus, they spend approximately 4% on "luxuries", i.e. eating out, going to the movies, other forms of entertainment.

Assumption #2: Welfare Queen (having more children to get more services)
Fact:  The families are pretty much the same, regarding the amount of children, across the board, services or not.

Assumption #3:  You must be using drugs if you receive services.
Fact: Currently, there are 7 states drug testing in the USA.  The amount of drug use among those receiving assistance is much less than the general population.  General population is at 9.4% and those receiving assistance <1% in all states but one which was at 8%.  (I don't know which state was higher but one out of 7 is pretty good.  Plus it still isn't close to the general population.)
Florida spends approximately $30 per test and spent $45,000 in one year is tests.  Guess what?  They spent more than they saved in welfare payments.
Missouri: Spent $336,297, tested 38,970, 48 were positive
Oklahoma: Spent $385,872, tested 3,342, 297 were positive
Utah: Spent $64,566, tested 9,552, 29 were positive
Kansas: Spent $40,000, tested 2,783, 11 were positive
Mississippi (I love spelling Mississippi): Spent $5,290, tested 3,656, 2 were positive
Tennessee: Spent $5,295, 16,017 tested, 37 were positive
Arizona: Spent $499.06, tested 142,424, 3 were positive (whatever test they are using appears to be much cheaper than other states)
A large percentage of recipients receiving assistance are children.  I am pretty sure my 7 and 8 year old are not in any drug rings at this time.

Assumption #4:  If they would work harder than they wouldn't need assistance.
Fact:  This is where I get really personal.  I have a job within my profession that I earned a degree in and do not make enough to be above poverty.  Even with the man's income he earns using the degree he earned working in a professional job.  (Living in the current state we reside in does contribute to this issue.  My profession monies get cut each time the State of the Budget comes around annually.)  We are a two parent family who are not able to make enough to be above the poverty line.  We rarely use assistance, but currently we need to.  We would not survive without assistance.  We work our butts off!  One of our children receives SSI due to his disabilities.  The money goes to the services he receives.

This makes me cry.  I want to be able to make enough to take care of my family plus go to a movie once in a while, as a family.  Maybe even an opening night instead of getting it from Redbox.  I am so embarrassed when I have to use assistance with people watching.  I feel I have to justify my smart phone, even though I need it for work.  I have to justify having a car, even though it is a crappy car that I got when my parents died.  I would rather use public transportation but where I live, this is not a possibility unless I am going from the mall to downtown.  We have a lot of great stuff, that was free to us or we bought when we had more income.  I can have nice things.  I do not need to sell everything we have just so we can get of services.  Even if we did, we would still not be able to make it work.  It is okay for my kids to have bikes to ride, for me to have a pair of Toms, or for the family to have a t.v.  I have to justify the house I live in, but we moved to this house so we could make sure our child is in a school that is not failing their developmental program.  The rent is outrageous, but cheaper than the other houses in the district.  I become so angry when I read the posts and memes people post on Facebook stating people receiving services are lazy or drug addicts or whatever else degrading they have to say.  Do you think it doesn't make me angry to need to use services?  How dare you, sir!  It is degrading and embarrassing.

I think I am done with my rant.  I have work to do.

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