Saturday, January 24, 2015

Shark eggs are called a Mermaid's Purse.

Did you know there is a shark called the Greenland Shark that lives in the cold water by the North Pole?  I do.  I have been told this fact at least 30 times.  I have been also told that Great White Sharks are so cute.  I have been asked what the diet is for 23 different types of sharks.  AND, I know the different types of teeth sharks can have.

Did you know there might be 200 websites dedicated to making paper airplanes?  I have probably watched 50 different videos on paper airplanes.  Also, all folds in origami/paper airplanes have different names.  ALL OF THEM!

I have mentioned X-man has autism.  Being on the spectrum enhances these obsessions he has.  Do not ask him about sprinkler systems if you need to go anywhere in the next hour.  He also will not stop discussing his loves until he feels he is done with the subject.  If his teacher asks him about sharks in class, he will not allow her to move on to the next subject until he has exhausted the subject.
We all are just accessories in X-man's wardrobe.  Every change or addition requires some sort of reaction from X-man.  It could be asking many times why the change or addition to complete meltdown, we are not moving on for the rest of the day.  Everything must have an explanation, so if you are on the phone for work and he asks you a question, you better be prepared to get off the phone to discuss the item at hand.

My family sub-consciously works through all the steps to interact comfortably with X-man.  It does not require thinking it through, it just happens naturally.  I forget often he needs to be dealt with differently because I don't have to think about it.  I can get him onto a different subject.  I can listen and work at the same time (most of the time).  I can go through a toy store without having a meltdown from X-man.

It becomes clear to me X-man is different from other children his age, when others interact with him.  His peers mother him or mock him.  Other parents make a simple statement and X-man breaks down, screaming and crying.  The parents choose to not have my son play with their children.  I have even heard he will be a criminal someday because of his diagnosis (not true). This was not from a professional, just a parent.

Yes, my son can be different and aggressive about information.  He is also the same child who will cry if we kill a fly because it breaks his heart if any living creature dies.  He is so funny!  Catching his sense of humor requires you to pay attention.  Please pay attention, you will not be disappointed.  The way he thinks and processes information is going to make him an incredible engineer, I am positive.  He is dedicated.  If you have the pleasure of becoming his friend, he will love you unconditionally.  (He may call you a meanie if you say no to something, but we are working on this.)  He rarely needs to be shown twice how to do something.  He can usually remember how something works just showing him once.  One time!  Some of these paper airplanes he makes have over 10 minutes of instructions, he will watch it, go to school, come home, sleep, wake up the next morning, and make the darn thing from memory.  This kid has the best giggle and smile you have ever seen!  He is wonderful!

I am lucky to have X-man.  I am a better parent and social worker because of him.  (I am pretty sure, My Dark Knight, has a favorite child, X-man.)  I know if I have a question about sharks, he will have the answer and site the book he got it from.  Who can say they have an 8 year old walking encyclopedia in their family?  (For the younger crowd:  An encyclopedia is a series of books with facts about different subjects.)  X-man was born beautiful and continues to be.  I do not believe he will grow out of his beauty.  He will grow out of his shark obsession.  For now, I will try to learn everything I can about those filthy, sea creatures.

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